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Technical considerations for selecting Roots blowers

To determine which type of blower your process requires, a thorough analysis of your application is necessary. Key factors to consider include:

1. Flow and pressure

You should choose a blower that produces only the pressure required for your process. This reduces energy consumption and increases efficiency, resulting in lower operating costs than a blower or compressor operating at a higher capacity.

2. Operating condition

The operating conditions of the blower may affect your decision. If the production floor space is limited, a compact blower will be the ideal choice. In addition, other factors such as dust, humidity and heat levels should be considered.

3. Initial cost and return on investment

The lowest purchase price does not necessarily mean the lowest operating cost. When deciding which blower to buy, you should consider the initial investment and operating costs over the life of the blower to get a greater return on your investment. Energy efficiency plays an important role here: energy-saving technologies may require a higher initial cost, but it can reduce long-term energy costs.

4. Noise level

What is the relationship between the location of the blower and the personnel? Close use means quieter blowers are needed to maintain a comfortable working environment. Airus Roots blowers are equipped with internal silencers, which makes them ideal for installation near workstations.

5. Service support

How much maintenance does your blower require, and what services does the manufacturer offer? Some older blowers may need to be sent back to the manufacturer for maintenance, overhaul, or refurbishment, which can lead to long downtime. Airus Roots fans are equipped with low-maintenance components, such as long-lubricated bearings, which ensure as little maintenance as possible each year.

Of course, we also provide quality pre-sales and after-sales service, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.